Pte Michael O'Sullivan, RAMC

There are service records on Ancestry that give 56857 . His address on discharge was 21 High St, Cork. On enlisting his father was given as Jeremiah O'Sullivan of 6 Douglas Rd, Cork

1897 Jul 6. Birth Michael Finbar O'Sullivan, Cork

1901 census at High St, Cork

1911 census at High St, Cork

1915 Aug 2. Enlists RAMC

1915 Sep 18 Posted to France

1917 Apr 16 Posted back to UK

1917 Jul 31. Posted to Egypt

1918 Mar 20. Posted to Palestine

1918 Jul Posted to Egypt.

1919 Feb 20 Discharged from RAMC - no longer fit for war service. Suffering from Shell Shock

1919 Feb 21 Re-enlists in RAMC

1919 Jun 21 Discharged from British Army. I have not been able to see what he was doing between this date and his death in Feb 1921.

From press appears to have re-enlisted in RFA.

FMP have a record for Michael Sullivan 1419025 who attested with the RFA on 28/12/1920 and absconded on 31/12/1920 . He was a labourer from St Finbars Cork, whith claimed dob around Mar 1896. This is probably not our man

1921 Jan 31 joined RFA according to his father at the inquest. IRA witness statements indicate that they believed he was about to join the Black & Tans, and that they took him prisoner and shot him

1921 Feb 1 circa died from state of decomposition of the body when found on 19 Feb. Executed in Cork by IRA.

"Spies, informers and the Anti Sinn Fein Society" gives him as Michael Finbarr O'Sullivan. The book says that the body was fished out of the River Lee on Sunday 20 Feb near Douglas Road. He was blindfolded and had 4 bullet wounds to his body. He was a tailor, living in Douglas and had been missing for 3 weeks. (Robert Aherne Witness Statement apparently talks about this shooting and puts it at 21 Feb!). The book says that O'Sullivan was in RAMC in WW1 and had been wounded at the Somme. The Cork Examiner on 23 Feb reported that a friend had said the O'Sullivan had recently re-enlisted in RFA.. It appears that O'Sullivan was held prisoner for a number of weeks by the IRA before his execution. The Year of the disappearances says that he had been in RASC in WW1.

I believe that I have the right record here, the 1901 census gives him as Michael Finbarr O'Sullivan, son of Jeremiah O'Sullivan of High St, Cork. The body found was of Michael Finbarr O'Sullivan of High St, Cork. The man in RAMC records is Michael O'Sullivan of High St Cork, with a father Jeremiah

I have not been able to establish whether he rejoined the RFA at a later point and was serving at the time of his death. The IRA certainly believed that he was a spy

British soldiers died in Ireland


1921 Feb 1, Pte M F O'Sullivan, might be a coincidence but