Glanworth Ambush
- A lorry of Buffs were returning from an inquest on O'Donnell at Kildorrey to Fermoy, when it was ambushed at Labbacally (Labbacalle), near Glanworth
- The IRA knew their movements as they had Passes through Glanworth on their way to Kildorrey earlier
- There is a steep hill here, about 1 mile from Glanworth. The IRA lined the ditch one side of the road near the crest of the hill
- From here they threw bombs at the lorry and opened fire. The soldiers in the lorry fired back.
- The lorry managed to continue, reached the top of the hill and escaped to Fermoy
- A British car following the lorry stopped at the foot of the hill and was abandoned by the occupants, who reached Fermoy across country on foot
- 2 rifles were found on the road, which had fallen from the lorry.
- Cpl Hall and Bandsman Gammon were killed.
- Ptes Mathews, Miller, Young and Lt. Millow were wounded
British Soldiers died in Ireland