Signalman Frederick De Orfe, 2308636, Royal Engineers

1897 Oct/Dec Born South Stoneham, Hants

1901 census living at 28, Clarendon Road, Shirley

1911 census living at 1 Crowland Villas Beech Road Southampton

His war service

1921 Mar 15 Shot and mortally wounded while crossing Rialto Bridge in Dublin, he had been delivering dispatches to Kingstown and was killed on his return journey. Son of Frederick Charles and Juliette De Orfe, of 62, Winchester Road, Shirley, Southampton. Born at Shirley.

The next day a large party of military demolished a hoarding on the Northern side of the Rialto Bridge, as it was believed that it had given cover to the ambushers. Freeemans reported "When the soldiers had the hoarding down, an achievement that consisted of using their boots and kicking the outside boards to matchwood, they carted to Richmond Barracks portions that were not removed by youngsters"

British Soldiers died in Ireland